Ethereum writer & creative ♦️
-an artist, writer, and editor
-specializing in Ethereum, DeFi, and NFTs
-creator of the Metaversal newsletter through Bankless
-professionally covering all things onchain culture: AI, art, crypto social, digital collectibles, gaming, memes, NFTfi, VR, and beyond
-personally writing fiction and poetry
-University of West Florida, Bachelor’s degree, Creative Writing (2014)
-Bankless (Senior writer and analyst, Metaversal lead)
-JPG (Community manager - previous)
-DeFi Pulse (Writer - previous)
-nft42 (Writer - previous)
-The Infinite Story Machine - EIC01
-Can We Survive Onchain Bots? - EIC03
-Beyond Definition: The Open Frontier of Being Nounish - Paragraph